“Art District Lab Philanthropies (adlp) is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing urban community regeneration through a distinct vision called Regeneration X, aligned with the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We bring together philanthropic entities, individuals from civil society, entertainment, and the arts, along with citizens, companies, and governmental institutions.”
“Our mission is to support fundraising initiatives for Regeneration-X projects, focusing on community innovation and global sustainability, particularly through the establishment of vibrant art districts or multi-art centers in metropolitan areas, known as Artopolis.”
“To realize Regeneration-X, we employ a unique blend of arts, education, and technology called Regeneration Drivers. Through the synergy of Creativity, Technology, and Education, we aim to revitalize urban districts and communities.”
“Our foundation is guided by a community of leaders from the arts, education, and technology sectors, representing the inaugural digital community called Humanocracy.
Humanocracy is a think tank committed to placing humanity at the core of global sustainability efforts, free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, politics, or gender.”
Global Factor.!^
“adlp's artopolis are globally interconnected to unite and inspire communities worldwide, aiming to revitalize the concept of sustainability as a significant Global Factor, benefitting the planet.”